Code: | Description: |
aeduwnv | No hunger |
aiwprton | Spawn Rhino |
aiypwzqp | Spawn Parachute |
alnsfmzo | Cloudy weather |
amomhrer | Spawn Tanker |
anoseonglass | Adrenaline effects |
auifrvqs | Rainy weather |
bagowpg | Bounty on your head |
baguvix | Unlimited health |
bekknqv | Kinky theme |
bgluawml | Pedestrians attack with guns |
bluesuedeshoes | Pedestrians are Elvis |
bmtpwhr | Rural theme |
bringiton | Six star wanted level |
btcdbcb | Maximum fat |
bubblecars | Cars fly away |
buffmeup | Maximum muscle |
celebritystatus | Spawn Stretch |
cfvfgmj | Foggy weather |
chittychittybangbang | Flying cars |
cjphonehome | Massive BMX bunny hops |
cpktnwt | Destroy all cars |
crazytown | Carnival theme |
cvwkxam | Maximum lung capacity |
cwjxuoc | Sandstorm weather |
everyoneispoor | Beater traffic |
everyoneisrich | Sports car traffic |
flyingfish | Flying boats |
flyingtostunt | Spawn Stunt Plane |
foooxft | Pedestrians have weapons |
fourwheelfun | Spawn Quad |
fullclip | Unlimited ammunition |
fvtmnbz | Rural traffic |
ghosttown | Reduced traffic |
goodbyecruelworld | Commit suicide |
helloladies | Maximum sex appeal |
hesoyam | Armor, health, and money |
iavenjq | Super punches |
iojufzn | City in chaos |
iowdlac | Black traffic |
itsallbull | Spawn Dozer |
jcnruad | Vehicle of death |
jqntdmh | Spawn Rancher |
jumpjet | Spawn Hydra |
kangaroo | CJ jumps higher |
kgggdkp | Spawn Vortex |
kvgyzqk | No fat or muscle |
lifesabeach | Beach party theme |
llqpfbn | Pink traffic |
lxgiwyl | Weapons (tier 1) |
monstermash | Spawn Monster |
mroemzh | Gangs and workers |
naturaltalent | Maximum vehicle skills |
nightprowler | Always 00:00 or 12:00 |
ninjatown | Yakuza theme |
nocheats | |
ofviac | Always 21:00 |
ohdude | Spawn Hunter |
oldspeeddemon | Spawn Bloodring Banger |
onlyhomiesallowed | Gangs only |
ouiqdmw | Manual weapon control in cars |
pleasantlywarm | Sunny weather |
professionalkiller | Hitman level in all weapons |
professionalskit | Weapons (tier 2) |
rocketman | Spawn Jetpack |
rzhsuew | Spawn Caddy |
scottishsummer | Stormy weather |
sjmahpe | Recruit anyone into gang with guns |
slowitdown | Slow motion |
speedfreak | All cars have nitrous |
speeditup | Fast motion |
stateofemergency | Pedestrians riot |
sticklikeglue | Perfect handling |
toodamnhot | Very sunny weather |
truegrime | Spawn Trashmaster |
turndowntheheat | Lower wanted level |
turnuptheheat | Raise wanted level |
uzumymw | Weapons (tier 3) |
vkypqcf | Taxi missions completed |
vpjtqwv | Spawn Racecar |
vrockpokey | Spawn Racecar |
wheelsonlyplease | Invisible cars |
wheresthefuneral | Spawn Romero |
worshipme | Maximum respect |
ylteicz | Aggressive traffic |
youcantcatchme | Wanted level never increases |
ysohnul | Speed up time |
zeiivg | Traffic lights remain green |
zsoxfsq | Recruit anyone into gang with rocket launcher |
CPKTNWT | Blow Up All Cars |
XICWMD | Invisible car |
Testeducationalskills | No Wanted Level |
AFSNMSMW | Boats fly |
JYSDSOD | Max Muscle |
ASBHGRB | Elvis is Everywhere |
KANGAROO | Mega Jump |
AEZAKMI | Never Wanted |
CIKGCGX | Beach Party |
AFPHULTL | Ninja Theme |
ROCKETMAN | Have Jetpack |
BGLUAWML | Peds Attack You With Weapons, Rocket Launcher |
ROCKETMAYHEM | Recruit Anyone (Rockets) |
BEKKNQV | Slut Magnet |
BGKGTJH | Traffic is Cheap Cars |
GUSNHDE | Traffic is Fast Cars |
RIPAZHA | Cars Fly |
JHJOECW | Huge Bunny Hop |
COXEFGU | All Cars Have Nitro |
BSXSGGC | Cars Float Away When Hit |
XJVSNAJ | Always Midnight |
MGHXYRM | Thunderstorm |
BIFBUZZ | Gangs Control the Streets |
LFGMHAL | Mega Jump |
BAGUVIX | Large Health Boost |
YECGAA | Have Jetpack |
LJSPQK | Six Star Wanted Level |
PPGWJHT | Faster Gameplay |
LIYOAAY | Slower Gameplay |
AJLOJYQY | Peds Attack Each Other, Get Golf Club |
BAGOWPG | Have a bounty on your head |
CQZIJMB | Spawn Bloodring Banger |
PDNEJOH | Spawn Racecar |
AQTBCODX | Spawn Romero |
KRIJEBR | Spawn Stretch |
UBHYZHQ | Spawn Trashmaster |
RZHSUEW | Spawn Caddy |
PGGOMOY | Perfect Handling |
SZCMAWO | Suicide |
KJKSZPJ | Weapon Set 2, Professional Tools |
OSRBLHH | Increase Wanted Level Two Stars |
ASNAEB | Clear Wanted Level |
AFZLLQLL | Sunny Weather |
ICIKPYH | Very Sunny Weather |
PRIEBJ | Funhouse Theme |
MUNASEF | Adrenaline Mode |
WANRLTW | Infinite Ammo, No Reload |
THGLOJ | Reduced Traffic |
FVTMNBZ | Traffic is Country Vehicles |
OGXSDAG | Max Respect |
EHIBXQS | Max Sex Appeal |
VKYPQCF | Taxis Have Nitrous, L3 Bunny Hop |
NCSGDAG | Hitman In All Weapon Stats |
AKJJYGLC | Spawn Quad |
AMOMHRER | Spawn Tanker Truck |
EEGCYXT | Spawn Dozer |
URKQSRK | Spawn Stunt Plane |
AGBDLCID | Spawn Monster |
IFIRSTDOZ | Never Wanted |
CAINEMVHZC | Infinite Health, except for explosions and falls |
allcarsgoboom | All Cars Explode |
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